Data Protection & Privacy
Selfie Background Check uses the same platform as our parent company, which does commercial background check for companies all over the world for over 25 years. All transactions are performed in a secured environment. Selfie Background Check's website is Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) which is the secure version of HTTP. HTTPS is used more now to protect page authenticity on websites; secure accounts; and to keep user communications, identity, and web browsing private.
Our platform that is used secures each session by using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit encryption. The data travels between client and server encrypted and can only be decrypted with a public and private key pair.
The application server is protected by firewalls, intrusion detection, and filtering routers which verify the source and destination of the request traveling in information packets. The routers and firewalls are configured to reject any unauthorized traffic. The system uses network devices that only allow permitted traffic through the devices.
Our platform that is used is certified compliant with SSAE18/SOC2; as well as EI3PA, and PCI-DSS, both are among the most stringent in the industry. The System and Organization Control report, or SOC 2, was created by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Held as one of the highest accolades of security design that a company can obtain, the SOC 2 is a set of best practices and principles that a company must adhere to if hosting or storing personal or financial information on the cloud.
Selfie Background Check does not share, sell, or reuse any information that has been searched. Selfie Background Check does not maintain any databases of any information. All employees go through multiple background checks and internal audits are performed daily. All employees are also required to complete and pass the PBSA (Professional Background Screeners Association) Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Basic Certification course and test. This requires a thorough knowledge of best practices and legal requirements for protecting all sensitive consumer data.
Our platform that is used secures each session by using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit encryption. The data travels between client and server encrypted and can only be decrypted with a public and private key pair.
The application server is protected by firewalls, intrusion detection, and filtering routers which verify the source and destination of the request traveling in information packets. The routers and firewalls are configured to reject any unauthorized traffic. The system uses network devices that only allow permitted traffic through the devices.
Our platform that is used is certified compliant with SSAE18/SOC2; as well as EI3PA, and PCI-DSS, both are among the most stringent in the industry. The System and Organization Control report, or SOC 2, was created by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Held as one of the highest accolades of security design that a company can obtain, the SOC 2 is a set of best practices and principles that a company must adhere to if hosting or storing personal or financial information on the cloud.
Selfie Background Check does not share, sell, or reuse any information that has been searched. Selfie Background Check does not maintain any databases of any information. All employees go through multiple background checks and internal audits are performed daily. All employees are also required to complete and pass the PBSA (Professional Background Screeners Association) Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Basic Certification course and test. This requires a thorough knowledge of best practices and legal requirements for protecting all sensitive consumer data.